Is Russia ready to cut up its plastic? After Visa and MasterCard stopped processing some Russian transactions
in response to U.S. sanctions, Moscow says it could launch a homegrown
payment system that could be ready in as little as six months, according to German Gref, chief of the country’s largest bank, Sberbank (SBER:RM).
Hard as it may be for Americans to imagine life without Visa (V) and MasterCard (MA),
jettisoning them wouldn’t be all that difficult. Moscow has been
preparing for the past few years to issue an electronic payment card
that citizens could use for transactions with the government, such as
tax and pension payments. Expanding that to include private purchases
wouldn’t be hard, says Avivah Litan, an analyst at Gartner Research (IT):
“If the banks are all on board, they can use the existing
[card-reading] equipment in the retail stores. They’ve been thinking
about it for so long, it’s just a matter of flipping the switch.”Legislation has already been introduced in Russia’s parliament that would ban the use of payment systems based outside of the country. “The fact that our banks use infrastructure that they cannot control carries a real threat for national security,” lawmaker Vladislav Reznik said in introducing the measure on March 21.