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New safety qualification designed for people driving at work

Friday, October 10, 20140 comments

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New safety qualification designed for people driving at work 


The British Safety Council has launched a new qualification to help people who drive as part of their work stay safe on the roads.
The Level 2 Award in Safe Driving at Work aims to provide learners with key knowledge of the hazards and risks associated with driving.
It equips vehicle users with valuable guidance on the measures available for reducing these risks, such as vehicle inspection, behaviour and defensive driving.
According to estimates from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), up to a third of all road traffic accidents in Britain involve someone involved in work-related activity.
In 2013, 1,713 people died on the road, with the total number of casualties standing at 183,670.
The Ofqual-regulated qualification, which is designed to be delivered by employers or training organisations, instructs learners on a range of topics including the particular risks associated with vulnerable road users, such as cyclists and pedestrians, the importance of regular vehicle safety checks and how to adapt driving style in response to changes in driving conditions or the actions of others. 
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