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Why First Aid Kit

Tuesday, June 10, 20140 comments

 Why First Aid Kit?

The immediate treatment given to an injured person is regarded as First Aid. The question we then need to ask, is how prepared we are offering First Aid.

Being injured is serious business and having the right First Aid is imperative. Many people are maimed for life because there was no First Aid given to them when they got injured.

Many people today are living with pains and some with scars because First aid was never given to them when they got injured. I have a personal experience when I was in Primary school and I had a domestic accident where I got injured. There was no one to offer First Aid to me and had to wait for my mother to come back in the night after her business for the day to take me to a chemist which was very far away from home. Today I live with that scar which would not have been if First aid was given to me.

Some few years ago while traveling to Port Harcourt from Warri with a notable Transport operator, we had a Road Traffic Crash (RTC) where some people had injuries and fortunately I had my First Aid Kit handy. I gave First Aid to some of the injured before they were taken to the nearby hospital for further treatment. That went a long way to ameliorate their pains due to their injuries.

Furthermore, I observed another RTC within Abuja metropolis involving two vehicles. One of the vehicle driver sustained minor injury because of the vehicle’s airbag that was activated but the other Driver was not too lucky because he had to be brought out of the vehicle with blood gushing from his body and was made to lie down on the road in pains without any First Aid being given to him. The reason is because none of the vehicles had First aid Kits.

Not too long ago close to my Residence while coming back from Church I saw a vehicle hit a motor cyclist and a mother and child on the motorcyclist toppled on top of the vehicle to the other side falling on the road. Both mother and child where in pains and the Motorcyclist couldn’t get up. I had to rush to my house to get my First Aid Station and offered First Aid before the victims where taken to the hospital. 

All of the above is to ensure that pains resulted in an injury is reduced so that the victim becomes calm before further treatment is meted on them. It is very important that we all have a First Aid Kit handy both at home, Office and Cars.

However, it is not just having a First Aid Kit handy but rather having the right one with the right supplies in them. We all need First Aid Kit at home to handle Domestic injuries especially for the kids who are prone to injuries in their tender age. We also need them in our offices as well as cars to take care of RTC where the need arises. The bottomline is to ameliorate the impact of the injuries and also reduce the severity of such injuries.

 Find below a poster that ask what will reduce your pain when there is an injury. Is it your Ipad, Blackberry,Iphone which are very expensive or a First Aid Kit which is less expensive. Your guess is as good as mine.



What should we do you may ask? Get a First Aid Kit both for your home and for your car. You may not be the victim but your neighbor might or friends or colleagues and you will just be the one to save them. A lot of people have died in RTC because no immediate treatment was given to them, the reason every motorist should have a knowledge of First Aid applications.

Below are two First Aid kits we know has helped families, friends and motorist alike which comes with the right supplies and also endorsed by a reputable international organization (American Red Cross).The All Purpose Kit that is meant for homes,sports,office, etc and the Auto First Aid kit that is good for Cars or any Road Moving Vehicle. It is affordable, but then as the Safety Professionals will say if you say Safety is expensive then try accident.

It is my Conviction that if everyone is prepared by having a First Aid Kit handy, it will save a lot of us from being maimed for life or death. Get a First aid Kit today for your homes and Cars and be First Aid Compliant.

NB:If you are interested in buying any of our kits online, click on this link here
Oloma Omatsola,                                                                                                        Road Traffic Injury Prevention (RTIP)Provider,                                   08160293752,                                                                                       twitter:olomaomatsola,                                                ,                                       

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