If you are looking for a card that will give you discounts at selected shops,Spas,Gym,Car Wash and many others, then look no further...
A card that will guarantee you 5litres of PMS @ the end of the month and also with a free gift in your first month of Subscription...
A card that will give you 15points for every Subscription and when accumulated to 150points you get N1,500 worth of PMS...
A card that will give you more than 30% discount on Safety Trainings and also give you free training worth N25K after 6months of Subscription...
A card that will give you an opportunity to receive the following Prizes:
- N5,000 worth of PMS
- N3,000 Worth of Free Shopping
- N2,000 Worth of Cosmetics Voucher
- VIP Movie Ticket
- Goody Gift Bag
Visit any of our Agent Shop today and Subscribe @N1,500 or call us 08160293752 or email omatransng@gmail.com or visit us @omatransng for more information...
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You can also pay your subscription online by clicking the subscribe button below
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