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3-Days Defensive and Safe Driving Training.

Thursday, February 6, 20140 comments

3-Days Defensive and Safe Driving Training.

Day 1
Session 1
Safety Moment: Circle Check, also known as Pre-trip Check. Elaborate what every driver need to do before starting and moving their vehicle.
v  What is Driving and Traffic?
 Ask a Driver/Motorist to define Driving or Traffic, you will be amazed that none will be able to do that by 50%. The reason why Road Traffic Crashes(RTCs) still occur on our roads is because most drivers know next to nothing of what they are doing on the road. And when you are not informed you are deformed. This training will be able to establish what driving is all about and what traffic is not. Which will enable drivers/Motorist to give out what they have because you cannot give out what you don’t have. Ability to define what driving and traffic is, is a first step to driving safely on the road.

   4  Rules of Defensive Driving based on Keith Lane System
What participants will learn includes the:
·         Definitive facts of Defensive Driving-What is this Defensive Driving.
·         The 2 Second Rule, The primary rule to protect the front and rear of our vehicle whilst moving.
·         Lane’s Diagonal Rule, Always position yourself DIAGONALLY to other vehicles, when travelling in a multilane system at a similar speed to other traffic", i.e. don't travel alongside another vehicle which is steering, or which may steer, as you may come into contact.
·         Queuing Distance Rule, This certainly raises many interesting points. Most driving instructors worldwide teach that when stopping in a traffic queue, it is sufficient that the driver behind can see the rear tyres of the car ahead, but as the bonnet of a modern car is shorter than many years ago, and on most cars the bonnet slopes down quite steeply, this may now only give a gap of about 2 metres, whereas previously it would have been longer.
·         Door Width Rule, How to maintain space at the sides of vehicles and its proportionate multiples depending upon our speed when passing stationary objects.
Session 2
v  Drinking and Driving
Drunk driving is one of the causes of RTCs and it is very important that Drivers acknowledge this fact. The following will be exposed to participants:
·         What is alcohol?
·         What is BAC? This will be defined and the different level of BAC a drunk driver can be exposed to that could make him become prone to an accident or even die. Effects of BAC on the body and performance.
·         What is the legal Driving limit
·         The effects of alcohol on risk of a crash
·         Why alcohol level is determined in Road Traffic victims
·         Who is mostly at risk of a drink drive crash
·         What does alcohol do to the body.
·         How much alcohol affects your body.
v  Driver Distractions.Many drivers are distracted while they drive on a daily basis. Of course this is one aspect of driving that seems very difficult to manage. However difficult it may look there is information that drivers when exposed to will be able to manage this aspect very well. Participants will appreciate:
·         The four kinds of distractions,(1) Visual,(2) Cognitive, (3)Auditory and (4)Biomechanical
·         The Effects of Distractions
·         Dealing with Distractions.

Session 1
Safety Moment: Drunk Driving vs Mobile Phone Driving; which is the most Dangerous? A research carried out on both kind of driving will establish which is the most dangerous of the two with facts.
v Basic Defensive Driving based on the Smith System
Defensive Driving is a very broad area of driving that has been confused with safe driving. These are two distinct areas of driving. Defensive driving is all about space and visibility and RTCs do not happen in space. Defensive Driving is an attitude and majority of drivers lack it considerably. When everyone starts driving Defensively our roads will witness low RTCs. This training session is another giant step to launch drivers who will defend their space and make themselves more visible in order to avoid preventable incidents. Participants will learn:
Basic Defensive Driving. This is the first step every driver needs to be exposed to in order to be seen and regarded as defensive drivers. Participants will be exposed to the five seeing habits that every driver must have for them to drive both safely and defensively. This five seeing habits includes:
(a)Aim high in steering (b) Seeing the big picture (c) Keep your eyes moving (d) Leave yourself and out (e) Make sure they see you.
At the end of this exposition drivers will know why they should aim high in steering, know the different sides to driving, what they should be looking out for while driving, why they should create a bubble around themselves as well as ensure that other motorist or Drivers see them while they drive on the road.
Session 2
v  Tiredness and Fatigue Management
Most RTCs occur because drivers are either tired or fatigued.It is very important that drivers understand how tiredness can affect their concentration while driving. Fatigue on its own is accumulated tiredness. Many drivers drive until they fall asleep on the steering and some even find it hard to sleep which is another cause of accident.Participant will be addressed with the issue of insomnia,Apnoea and Microsleeps which can impair their driving and thus could lead to RTCs. It will also enable participants to know how to manage tiredness by knowing the times of the day that is dangerous to drive.How many hours of driving they need to drive continuously before they must rest so as not to lead to tiredness. What they can do when they are tired is what this topic will tend to achieve. Also Participants will learn:
·         Who is at risk
·         What the law says
·         Factors Contributing to tired driving
·         Tips to prevent Fatigue
·         Warning signs of Tiredness.

Day 3
Session 1
Safety Moment: Seat Belts; how seat belt can save your life.
v Tyre Safety and its Technology.
Tyres are the vehicle's only point of contact with the road. The actual area of contact between the car and the road through the tyres is small, roughly equivalent to four size eight men's shoes.
Tyre Safety covers:
1.How to identify tyres
Temperature Resistance
Thread Wear
Maximum Load Capacity/Tyre
Speed Symbol
Manufacturing Dates.
2.Tyre Maintenance:Tread depth, Pressures, Cleaning treads&Tyre Valves
3.Tyre Aging
4.Part Worn Tyres
 5. Retreaded Tyres
6.ABS..How they work, the advantages of ABS and what to do in an Emergency
7.BA...How they work, the advantages of BA and your Vehicle
8.ESC.. How it works and its advantages & Electronic Stability Control and your vehicle
Basic Vehicle Maintenance
What you will learn will include:
·         How to maintain your car tyres
·         Checking the engine oil and Oil changes
·         Checking the engine coolant
·         Checking Shock Absorbers
·         Maintaining brake fluid level
·         Checking your brakes
·         FLOWERY Check
Session 2
v Fines,Violations and Point Accumulations.
For driving on the road to be safe the FRSC, the lead agency in charge of enforcing road safety in Nigeria has put forward fines and violations that drivers needs to be aware of for them to keep their records clean while driving. Drivers will be exposed to the different violations and fines attached to them as well as the maximum points which can be accumulated, that while acquiring these points can later lead to their losing of the Drivers licenses. With the knowledge of this fines and violations Drivers will be more conscious of their driving and thus drive safely.
v Night Driving
The biggest difference between night driving and driving during the day is the difference in visibility. It sounds obvious, but when driving at night, your ability to see ahead, and the ability of other road users to see you, is reduced.
Participants will learn the difficulty associated in driving at night and the rule of driving on Roads that are not lighted.
v  Are you a Safe Driver? A Pledge to Drive Safely

  •      Participants will learn about the 12Ups that will make them become safe drivers since a commitment will be made after the session.
  •     The 12Ups includes:
          BeltUP  SoberUP  WiseUP  Slow UP
    SharpenUP  BackUP  LookUP  CheckUP  
     ShutUP  BuckUP  WakeUP  MoveUP
An IP2DS certificate of commitment will be signed by each of them at the end of this workshop session.

What Participants will get:
Participants will get a certificate of participation, I Pledge to Drive Safely Certificate, A Pack of IP2DS Stickers,Writing materials, Training materials, a safety gift and 1 month free subscription to OmaFuel Benefit Card 
Start time:9:00am and End Time:4:00pm
Date: 17th-19th March 2014 (Abuja) Registration ends 3rd March 2014
24th-26th March 2014 (Lagos) Registration ends 10th March 2014
Cost:N35,500 per participant.
Venue:To be communicated after Payment

All Payments should be paid directly to the account below:

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